Monday 27 December 2021

Sunday 26th December 2021

Aki woke around 0830 and made tea, which we drank in bed. Mum seemed to be a bit better this morning, having the benefit of an uninterrupted night's sleep. We practised some Scottish jigs and reels at the piano with Mum, and Jim sauntered in with his soprano sax to break the mood. Jim and Kath headed off to Westerhope late morning. We followed them a couple of hours later, minus ma and pa...mum didn't feel up to it, so they stayed home. Kath had cooked a salmon in a pastry case, which we had with roast potatoes and a side salad, while Jim told us tales from a marriage. Apparently, Karen had gone round to a house on Christmas morning and confronted the mysterious woman Jim had bequeathed a large candle to, and slagged Jim off to her...full of Christmas spirit, that girl! We told him not to pick up her phone calls!!! We watched a bit of telly with Jim and Kath before heading back to High View for a turkey sandwich and a glass of beer in front of the telly.

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