Friday 17 December 2021

Thursday 16th December 2021

Another day at the computer....seems no end in sight! Ma and Pa's Christmas present was delivered. Bumped into Lynne from upstairs whilst at the front door taking the delivery. She's going to a funeral for a friend tomorrow...a woman in her mid fifties who was seemingly despairing of her social life ever getting back to normal in these days of pandemic. Took her own life! Weird Hague's seem to rather relish the notion of shutting ourselves away from humanity. To that very end, I cancelled my attendance at this evening's Tower Theatre auditions and stayed home, the covid case count going up across the nation! Warmed up the tarragon chicken for dinner, and made some mashed potato. Watched the MasterChef pick, Dan, won...but had to shed a tear with poor Liam who had served up a bit of cling film in his lobster starter! Spent a couple of hours trying to work out how to burn my annual What's Hip top tunes to CD now that the MacBook seems to have finally died. It was exasperating...I gave up at half midnight and went to bed!

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