Saturday 25 December 2021

Friday 24th December 2021

Woke reasonably early...Aki got up and made tea. Got some porridge sorted for breakfast, and packed for the journey northward. Got away at 1000. Drove round to Green & Glory in Stroud Green...Aki wanted to buy Hokaido pumpkin with a view to cooking a risotto whilst at mum and dad's. While she was in store, I took the opportunity to check the engine oil in the Golf, only to find it dangerously low. Drove up Hornsey Rise to the BP garage and bought some, hopefully, suitable top up oil and poured about 3/4 of a litre into the sump! Finally headed for the M1.

Traffic pretty congested all the way up to the M6 turn off, but it thinned out after that. Patches of fog every now and then, too. Stopped at Tibshelf Services for a lunch break around 1315, and swapped drivers, Aki taking the helm past Sheffield and Leeds. The weather got increasingly murky as we journeyed north. We swapped drivers again at Mainsgill Farm on the A66...had hoped it would be open, so we could get dad some of his favourite pudding rice, but they were closed. Got to High View around 1700, just as Jim and Kath rocked up. Brought our stuff in from the car. Jim looked well, and fairly trim...he's been cycling to work a lot. Kath has been re-instated by the home care team, much to their relief. Ma and Pa look well, all things considered. They've got the tree up, and have decorated the living room and dining room. Mum has prepared the turkey in readiness for the oven tomorrow. 

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