Saturday 11 December 2021

Saturday 11th December 2021

Woke around 0730. Aki got up made the tea, and we started preparing for our lunch guest. Aki cycled off to the fishmonger on Essex Road while I did some tidying up and vacuuming. Tokiko turned up on time at 1330....she'd brought a bottle of rose prosecco, which we put in the freezer for a bit. Aki had prepared a Japanese luncheon, which included sashimi. I served up some raspberry spoom for afters. We watched a whacky Japanese film called "Beyond Two Minutes to Infinity" which had been made by a bunch of talented film students for about £20,000...I think I read somewhere it had made about £5m! Nicely shot to give the impression you were watching the action in real time. Tokiko left as the Arsenal game went into the second don't want to get caught up in the throng when the Emirates empties out! Did a bit of reading while Aki nodded off on the sofa. Watched a bit of telly...gave "Flowers" a go on's very whacky, but it's got Julian Barrett and the inimitable Olivia Coleman in it, so worth persisting with!

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