Monday 27 December 2021

Monday 27th December 2021

Woke in a little discomfort...bit of stiffness in my lower back. Could hear mum coughing this morning, but she seemed to have composed herself by the time we got downstairs. Aki made porridge. I seem to have some mild cold symptoms...a runny nose, and some occassional sneezing. Kath rang to ask if I'd drive over to Peary Close and pick Jim up, as she was on a tight schedule. I drove Aki down to Sainsbury's in the village, and we bought some bits and pieces for meals planned for tonight and tomorrow night. Drove on to the petrol station at Newcastle airport to fill up prior to journeying homeward on Wednesday. Then drove to Peary Close and picked Jim up, then headed back to High View for lunch. Spent some time setting up the clock radio we'd bought for John, and Aki and I helped him set up his new A3 printer. My afternoon cup of tea tasted a little different to the usual, so I thought I ought to take a lateral flow test...and wouldn't you know it!!! It gave me a positive test reading!!! Immediately shut myself in the bedroom, and Aki moved her stuff into the end bedroom. I ordered a home PCR test kit online to be delivered here to High View. Aki delivered my dinner, the one I was supposed to be preparing, to my bedroom door. Spent some time on line on the Government covid website. Ordered a PCR test, which will hopefully come tomorrow, and some more Lateral Flow Tests for Aki to pick up from Boots in Darras tomorrow. What a pain...and worried for the others, especially ma and pa. How long have I been infectious...certainly today, I would have thought? I didn't do the LFT until late afternoon, so plenty of time to spread it amongst the rest of the family! Aki going to do another LFT tomorrow afternoon. Watched Clare Foy's magnificent Duchess of Argyll on iPlayer before retiring to bed.

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