Friday 31 December 2021

Thursday 30th December 2021

Woke around 0530 with a coughing fit. Took a drink of water, and got back to sleep. Woke again at 0900. Aki brought tea and porridge to my door. She tested negative this morning, despite spending all day yesterday in the car with me. Not feeling too up and did some exercises in the bedroom, and set up a table looking out onto the garden. Had hoped to do some work there, but the wi-fi signal was too poor...had to sit by the bedroom door in order to pick up the booster in the 'office' area. Managed to WhatsApp call Kath...Jim answered. They were driving back from Blyth, where Kath had had a meeting with her employer to see how things were going post Soapgate. They said ma and pa seemed fine, and Kath had dropped a couple of LFTs to them yesterday. Mum got through to me briefly on the phone, but the signal is very poor in the bedroom, so I only managed to pick up the fact that they felt OK, and had been out for a drive, though dad had complained of having a bit of a headache, then the signal dropped off. Managed to get them via FaceTime at lunchtime, and they looked OK, though dad reported aching limbs and a runny nose, which sounded a bit ominous!!! If he's positive, then Kath won't be able to go in there, bearing in mind her vulnerable clientele. It's all getting a bit complicated! Kath texted Aki later to say that mum and dad had both tested negative, which came as something of a relief! Aki cooked an aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner, followed by tiramisu from Waitrose! Watched Whitehouse & Mortimer fishing for salmon on the Tyne. They were joined by a rather pinched looking Gazza, but they didn't get much out of him about his drink problem, save Gazza saying he's taking each day as it comes. Received an email from the NHS with my PCR test result, which confirms I have the virus. The accompanying text suggests that all close contacts ought to test themselves daily for seven days...I guess there's two or three days left of that period, taken from my positive LFT on Monday. 

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