Sunday 5 December 2021

Sunday 5th December 2021

Woke around 0800 and read some Shuggie Bain in bed with a mug of tea. Aki got up and made breakfast, then cycled over to Waitrose to pick up some supplies. I tried to get the dehumidifier working again after it over-flowed during the week and we had to shut it down. I cleaned some gunk out of it's tubes, so hopefully it will work efficiently again, at least for a while. Soup for lunch. Aki cycled off to the Rowing Club early afternoon. I cooked up a pizzaiola sauce but then spent the next 3 hours on the loo with terrible constipation! It meant Aki came home to find me still in the bathroom, and we had to abandon our planned trip to the Angel, Islington to listen to George play his flute in an orchestral concert we'd been looking forward to. Finally relieved myself around 1700, and managed an hour or so's work at the computer before dinner. Jim phoned to say he wanted to come down to London to see The Shark is Broken at The Ambassadors Theatre, and we booked tickets for Tuesday 21st...hope another lockdown doesn't interfere with the plan, as tickets cost £35 each! We'll then drive him back up north for Christmas, unless a lockdown means he has to live with us for six months!!! That'd drive us all to drink...!!!

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