Thursday 1 September 2022

Wednesday 31st August 2022

Got up around 0745. Switched on the telly to watch the replay of Raducanu's first round match at the US Open...the champ went out to a determined Alize Cornet. Stuck Naomi Osaka's game on for Aki to watch, and started doing a bit of tidying up...the flat needs a bit of a clear out before Aki's guest arrives on Saturday. Naomi went out at the first hurdle, too! Oh well. Aki went off to lunch with the JCUK ladies in Kensington. I vacuumed and dusted, and cleaned some of the grubbier looking floorboards in the living-room. Broke for lunch. Did some voice work, then some DIY on the shower room step. Popped out in the car to Waitrose to do a shop. Got back just before Aki returned. Shared a pizza and salad for dinner, followed by creme brulee. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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