Wednesday 31 August 2022

Tuesday 30th August 2022

Woke at 0745. Worryingly, the giant spider has left his moorings, and may be anywhere in the flat! Got up and switched on the TV to watch the replay of last night's US Open match featuring Serena...she won through in straight sets, and there followed a lengthy tribute from Oprah Winfrey and the ever youthful Billie Jean King, marking Serena's swansong at Flushing Meadows. Porridge for breakfast. No work in my in tray, so pottered about doing nothing very much...awaiting the delivery of my silicone finishing kit before I try to complete my bathroom shower repair works! Made us some lunch, then did a bit of prep work using the silicone to fill the small gap under the length of the shower step...will add a deeper layer when my kit arrives, hopefully affording it double protection once the shower is back in use. Aki spent the afternoon tidying up the back yard. Made a cheese sauce to pour on top of the lasagne I'd made the other day, and warmed it up for dinner. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed.

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