Friday 16 September 2022

Friday 16th September 2022

Woke at 0715. Got up and made tea. Sat at the computer for an hour or so. Breakfasted on porridge, then drove the car round to KwikFit in Camden Road...but they were under-staffed, and suggested I try the Tottenham Hale branch. I left it with them and wandered around the new development at Tottenham Hale...a little town seems to be going up, slowly but surely...looks quite good, as these things go. Nice new rail station. Had a coffee and a bap at Costa, then rummaged around in B&Q on the Hale Retail Park. Got back to KwikFit about 1130 to discover they hadn't changed the tyre...they'd had a look at it and couldn't find anything wrong, but I insisted it had a slow puncture, and got them to put a new tyre on...better safe than sorry! Drove home in time for lunch...we put together a salmon salad. Worked the afternoon at the computer, breaking at 1800. Aki cooked dinner...sausage and plum tray bake with cannellini beans, followed by her marvellous homemade pear tarte tatin, which we ate with ice cream...delicious! Watched "The Incredibles", an incredibly silly pixar movie executed with great skill and imagination. An early night followed...

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