Monday 5 September 2022

Sunday 4th September 2022

Woke early. Got up and tuned in to some tennis from the US Open, then put together a late brunch of salmon and poached eggs with fried potato cakes. Kath phoned around noon...she was preparing for a week's break in Whitby with Stuart. They are driving down tomorrow. Hope the weather holds for them. I cycled over to Stoke Newington for rehearsal. Got there early so I had time to grab a coffee and a bun from the Yellow Warbler cafe across the road. Got into the theatre to find a couple of blokes rigging up some sound baffling in the bar area...strong smell of adhesive, but I could detect a difference is notoriously noisy in the bar if it's full and everyone is talking at once. Good move. Now they need some sound insulation in the theatre to keep out the sound of the traffic in Northwold Road. Met Sean (Arnold), and Tony (Clem), and assistant director, Pablo. We waited for a couple of the girls to turn up...Julia (Jess) showed, but Sophia (Grace, I think) didn't show. We ploughed through several sections of Act II, blocking out some basic moves based on Phillip's crude set design. Finished around 1600...picked up a text message from Aki saying she'd been assaulted in the street! Cycled straight home. Transpired she was harangued by a drugged up woman in Holloway Road who accused Aki of stalking her...Aki tried to escape by seeking shelter in a hairdresser's but the woman followed her in and made a grab for Aki's arm before Aki managed to escape. She was a bit shaken up, but otherwise OK...a bit bruised on her upper arm. Called ma and pa via FaceTime. They looked in fine fettle. Aki made a Greek lemon and egg soup and cooked some tortelloni in it...very tasty dinner. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

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