Monday 26 September 2022

Monday 26th September 2022

Woke to alarm at 0700. Aki got up to get ready for tennis in Finsbury Park. Porridge for breakfast. Aki cycled off with her tennis racquet, and I headed out for inspections in various parts of London...stopped off at Morrisons in Stratford and bought some odds and ends. Ate my lunch in the car underneath the railway bridge at Wanstead Park. Ventured further eastward to Rainham, before turning back for Hackney, and Kings Cross. Got home around 1715. Worked at the computer until breaking for dinner...Aki cooked tarragon chicken which we had with orzo and vegetables, followed by apple crumble and cream. Watched a fascinating BBC4 documentary charting the history and culture of Persia, then caught the final 30 minutes of the England v Germany game, which finished a frantic 3-3 draw. 

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