Sunday 18 September 2022

Saturday 17th September 2022

Woke around 0830. Got up and made tea, and went back to bed again. Eventually rose around 1000 and I cooked a breakfast with poached eggs and parma ham. Drove over to Camden Garden Centre early afternoon...Aki bought a couple of pot plants...and a couple of pots. Got her back in time for a 1515 appointment at the optician's on Holloway Road to have her blocked ear cleansed. I drove on to Waitrose and did a little shopping. 

Back home, Aki made a garlic and almond soup, before we headed for Finsbury Park to get a tube to Notting Hill. Had dinner at Eat Tokyo, then walked the short distance to The Coronet Theatre to see Ambiguous Dance Company, a Korean contemporary dance troupe, as part of the venue's current Korean arts season. They entered to a thumping soundtrack, and gave an extraordinarily varied performance encompassing ballet, breakdance, contemporary, folk, and acrobatics...we were exhausted just watching! A full house gave them a rousing reception at the curtain call. Got home around 2130. Watched a bit of MOTD before bath and bed...

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