Wednesday 28 September 2022

Tuesday 27th September 2022

Woke around 0800, feeling very weary and unrefreshed. Got up and prepared a packed lunch. Porridge for breakfast. I was just about to head out the door when I received an email asking me to get figures out for the stock I was still looking at, so decided to work at that from home today...the packed lunch was put in the fridge. Aki was working at the desktop, so I worked on my laptop at the dining table. Broke for lunch, and phoned a voice coach...Valerie Coglan used to run the theatre courses at the City Lit many moons ago, and as I recognised her name on the Spotlight directory, I gave her a transpires that she's not far away, which was good, and we arranged a session for the coming Saturday afternoon. Worked through the afternoon, breaking for dinner at 1800...cooked up the pre-made moussaka that was sitting in the wasn't bad, though I think I prefer Tesco's Finest version. Drove over to Stoke Newington for rehearsals...we worked through the first two thirds of Act I, and people are generally off book now, so it's beginning to shape up. Got home at 2220. Aki ran a bath...then fell into bed!

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