Friday 2 September 2022

Thursday 1st September 2022

Got up at 0745 and switched on the replay of Serena's match against the No.2 seed...she won it, pretty emphatically in the end, and her march goes on. Aki stopped in bed...she's been complaining of a bit of a sore throat over the last couple of days, though the last Covid test proved negative. Did some work at the computer before breaking for lunch. Made a yellow split pea and carrot soup, which I served up with roti and yoghurt. Took Aki her portion on a tray for her to eat in bed. Nipped out to buy some clear silicon to seal around the bathroom internal window, as water is finding it's way to the sill on the lobby side of the glass. Got some odds and ends in the Tesco Express. Watched Dan Evans' second round match against James Duckworth. Cooked schnitzel for dinner, with poached eggs and mashed potato. Watched a bit more telly before Aki sloped off for an early night. I looked over my lines prior to Sunday afternoon's first rehearsal of Improbable Fiction.

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