Monday 26 September 2022

Friday 23rd September 2022

Got up around 0700 and did a bit of work at the computer before breakfast. Drove up the M1, stopping at Gateway Services for a coffee, to undertake inspections in Chesham and Amersham. Stopped for lunch at Sainsburys in Chesham town centre, purchasing a sandwich which I ate on a bench in Lowndes Park, watching the Canada geese by the pond. Drove for home around 1530....stopped to field a call from Kath...she'd had a good time in Whitby, and seems to have a busy working weekend ahead of her. She said that Emma had been ill, and was probably not going to be running the London Marathon next weekend, after all. Jim has been undertaking nursing duties, apparently. Aki cooked up an aubergine and tomato curry, with a lentil dahl, homemade chapatis, and yoghurt. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

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