Monday 5 September 2022

Monday 5th September 2022

Woke around 0730 and got up to turn the telly on. Watched Dan Evans go out to watching Dan, can almost hear him thinking about each point. Drove eastward, back to Chelmsford. Stopped off in Brentwood to pick up a coffee and some lunch items from M&S. Broke for lunch by driving back to Writtle and having my soup on a bench overlooking the duck pond on The Green. Included a couple of internal inspections...on my last one, I went up to take a look at the bathroom furniture only to find a snow white cat sitting in the wash hand basin! I told the tenant I'd spotted a snow leopard. Got home around 1930. Aki had cooked up a Goan fish curry for dinner, which we ate with rice and roti. Watched Nadal go out to Francis Tiafoe in four sets...Rafa evidently struggling with his various injuries, but sad to see him go out. Had a shower. It poured with rain just as we were preparing for bed...thunder and lightning!

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