Monday 26 September 2022

Sunday 25th September 2022

Got up and made potato cakes to have with our breakfast. My voice was not in good shape, so I warned the director I'd be late getting in this morning, as I tried, fairly vainly, to warm the cords up. Aki cycled off to Rowing Club. I cycled off, arriving at the theatre an hour late, but just in time for my Act I entrance. I had been preparing for Act II, and hadn't revised these bits, but most of it seemed to have been retained in my memory banks. We broke for lunch and I popped out to pick up a coffee from Pret. Ate my packed lunch in the theatre bar with the rest of the cast. Phil looked surprisingly spritely, bearing in mind his punk band had had a gig in Newcastle last night!!! Managed to just about get my voice through the afternoon, though felt very weary. Cycled home, getting in around 1630. Aki wasn't in, as she had partaken of the Sussex Way street party, so I grabbed the opportunity for a lie down in a darkened room for half an hour. Warmed up the remains of the aubergine and tomato curry, with rice, dahl and chapatis. watched a bit of telly before showering and bed...

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