Saturday 24 September 2022

Thursday 22nd September 2022

Another day in the saddle. Did a large circular route today, starting in Camden, then heading out toward Kilburn, and Brondesbury. Broke for lunch in Sainsburys car park in Queens Park. Then turned southward along the A3 to Surbiton, before heading north-east to Camberwell. Traffic in the area was in gridlock, so decided to head for home. Got home around 1700. Aki set off for Kings Cross to meet up with a former colleague who had come over from Geneva, and a couple of other former Kajima employees. I drove over to Stoke Newington. Bought chicken and mushroom pie and chips for dinner at Suttons on the High Street, which I ate at the theatre. Managed to haul my voice through rehearsals...middle section of Act II. Got home around 2200. Aki got in around of the party had offered to pay for everyone, so they'd gone mad and had three courses, and champagne. 

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