Wednesday 28 September 2022

Wednesday 28th September 2022

Woke to the alarm at 0730...Aki got up to prepare to head for the Rowing Club. I dozed for half an hour or up and made porridge. Aki cycled off, and I got my act together...working on foot today in central London, so had to plan my route with military's going to be a long day! Got a bus to Finsbury Park, then the tube to Euston. Then walked for six hours, in a big figure of eight, taking in Kings Cross, Clerkenwell, Holborn, Covent Garden, before heading to Charlotte Street for lunch at Mowgli. Found myself outside Great Ormond Street hospital at one point, and came across a little garden where the ashes of former PM Jim Callaghan and his wife are buried...beneath a statue of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, commemorating the fact that J M Barrie signed over all royalties from Peter Pan to the hospital. Then on to Fitzrovia, before getting a bus to Marylebone for the final visit. Got home about 1630 and did some work at the computer while Aki tried her hand at homemade gnocchi...we ate them with a mushroom sauce and parmesan cheese. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

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