Friday 30 September 2022

Friday 30th September 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730, but too tired to rise much before 0930. Got up and made porridge for breakfast. Aki at the computer so I planned dinner, and popped out to Tesco to get some ingredients to make a pumpkin and spinach lasagna. Internet connection very poor for some reason....tried to do some work but connection kept dropping off, so gave up! Cooked up the pumpkin to make a sauce later. Aki made leek and potato soup for lunch. Aki got on to Vodafone, but it appears there is a problem that ain't gonna get fixed quickly...BT Openreach apparently working on it...jeez...I might have to go into the office to work! Managed to get a couple of hours done before breaking to make dinner...a caramelised pumpkin and spinach lasagna. It looked good, but tasted a bit disappointing...not as good as the spinach lasagna I made for mum and dad in August, but will give it another go at some point, I'm sure. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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