Monday 19 September 2022

Sunday 18th September 2022

Fitful night's sleep. Aki brought tea. Got up around 0800. Aki cooked breakfast, then I cycled off to Stoke Newington for rehearsals. Chained the bike up outside the theatre, and wandered round to Pret to pick up a coffee. Worked the beginning of Act I in the morning session...slow going. I tried to do it without book in hand, and just about got away with it. Broke for lunch at 1230. I had some of Aki's garlic and almond soup with a hunk of bread, followed by a clementine, and a croissant. Worked over Act I a couple more time this voice was struggling at the end...I could hear/feel it going as I sung my brief song at the end of Act I. If I come down with a cold, or worse, I am done for!!! Cycled home. Aki was in the front garden as I rolled up on my bike, having been sorting out yesterday's garden centre purchases. Had a soak in the bath. Finished off the parmigiana lasagne for dinner, followed by pear tart tatin and the last of the ice cream from the freezer. Watched some telly, which was interrupted by the doorbell shortly after the 2 minutes silence for the was Kate from No.87 with a bagful of cooking apples she'd purloined from a friend's orchard out Amersham way. Apple crumble in the offing...

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