Tuesday 20 September 2022

Tuesday 20th September 2022

Woke at 0330....took a little while nodding back off. Alarm at 0800. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Got up and had porridge for breakfast. Worked at the computer for a bit, then took a break to do a bit of vocal work ahead of tonight's rehearsal. Headed out on inspections at 1130, driving east to Manor House to stick some petrol in the motor, and then doubling back to Camden. Picked up a sushi platter in Waitrose for lunch, which I ate in the car. Ended my tour in Kensal Town, then headed back home. Aki warmed up the sausage and plum bake that had been sitting in the fridge. Cycled off to Stoke Newington for rehearsals...met up with Phil for a brief chat to put my concerns to him, and we agreed to revisit the situation after Sunday's rehearsal. I did my own vocal warm up, but it didn't improve matters much. Managed to squeak through this evening's work, and cycled home in the dark. Got in around 2200. Watched a bit of News before bath and bed...

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