Thursday 29 September 2022

Thursday 29th September 2022

Alarm at 0730. Got up around 0815 and made tea. Porridge for breakfast. Day at the computer...needed to get figures to Andy G by close of play. Broke for lunch...Aki put together a ham salad. Ma and Kath FaceTimed mid-afternoon. Emma has abandoned her bid for London Marathon glory this coming weekend, but apparently has been feeling better, thanks to a nasal spray that Jim came across online, which seems to have eased her headaches. Got my figures out by 1730. Did a little voice work before dinner...Aki cooked up some trout, which she served with cous-cous and a white sauce. Drove off to rehearsal in Stoke Newington...worked the second half of Act I...looks to be shaping up well. Photographer came in toward the end of the session to take a few posed shots for publicity purposes...I posed in cycling helmet, wielding my bicycle pump. Got home around 2200 in time for more depressing News. Bath and bed...

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