Friday 16 September 2022

Tuesday 13th September 2022

Woke around 0730. Got up and made tea. Did some work at the computer while I ate breakfast. Put together a packed lunch. Headed out northward, starting with inspections in Islington before gravitating toward Enfield, and from thence up to Waltham Cross. Had my lunch in the car on a leafy street in Cheshunt, before heading for Hoddesdon, then up to Buntingford, before turning back south-westward to Welwyn. Stopped off at Pearce's Farm Shop and bought a couple of frozen ready meals to bung in the freezer. Got home around 1730. Aki cooked dinner, then I drove over to Stoke Newington in the drizzle. Rehearsed more of Act II this evening...felt a bit weary after doing 120 miles in the car. Gave Julia and Sean a lift to Finsbury Park station, as the rain was still coming down. Got home around 2230.

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