Monday 19 September 2022

Monday 19th September 2022

Woke at 0230 worrying about the state of my vocal cords. Eventually managed to nod back off again. Woke again at 0730. Aki got up and brought me tea in bed. Porridge for breakfast. Turned the telly on to watch proceedings from central London as the Royal Family put on a stunning show for the Queen's state funeral. Watched the procession from Westminster Hall to the Abbey, and the mourners amassing in the aisles. Listened to the or two stunningly sung oratories from the choir, and a moving lament from a bag piper before the coffin was processed up Whitehall to Buckingham Palace, and transferred into a hearse for the journey to Windsor. Managed a bit of work after lunch at the computer, occassionally dipping in to the procession through Windsor Great Park and the intimate service in St George's Chapel where the wand of office was broken in half and placed on the coffin. Another moving Scottish lament followed. Sent Phillip the director an email suggesting I may have to pull the plug on Brevis, as my voice is spiralling out of control...I fear a nodule is on the cards! Rang ma and pa to see how they were getting on...they had been watching proceedings, like us. Beef and red wine pie for dinner, followed by the last of the pear tatin. Watched A Bout de Souffle in honour of the recently departed Jean Luc Goddard. No reply from Phillip...

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