Monday 26 September 2022

Saturday 24th September 2022

Got up and made breakfast, utilising the leftover chips from Thursday night. Combined them with some mashed potato and broccoli to make tasty potato cakes. I did a bit of work at the computer. Aki cycled off to see some furniture design at TwentyTwenty-one's warehouse in Angel, and cycled home via the fishmonger on Essex Road. I did a bit of vacuuming and tidying up prior to our guest arriving. Marianne came round at 1800...we were to accompany her to the Hope Theatre, where she'd been involved in re-choreographing Bob's one man show, "Oh Suburbia!". Aki cooked up a tasty salmon teriyaki, which we had with rice, miso aubergine, and miso soup, followed by my English apple crumble and cream. We walked down Hornsey Road, and got a bus outside the University on Holloway Road...but missed our stop, and had to jog back up Upper Street from St Mary's church. Got to the theatre with two minutes to spare. Bob's partner, Natasha, took our tickets. This was the third time we'd seen the had a bit more technical nous than previous incarnations, but the sound equipment in there was poor, and Bob's voice projection swamped a bit at times by his instrumentation. The theatre space is above the Hope & Anchor in Upper Street, a famous pub rock venue, and the band in the basement were causing the floorboards to vibrate! We had a quick drink with Bob and Tash after the show, then walked home...

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