Wednesday 21 September 2022

Wednesday 21st September 2022

Woke around 0700 and dozed until the alarm went off at 0730. Aki up and at 'em...she needed to get ready to cycle off to Canvey Island for a site visit with architects Helen and Martin. She brought me tea in bed, then I rose and made a porridge bowl for breakfast. Aki cycled off with her packed lunch...they are putting their bikes on the train at Upper Holloway, then cycling to the shopping centre site at the other end. i headed west in the motor to do more inspections in Chesham and Amersham. Stopped at London gateway on the M1 for a coffee, and had my lunch in the Tesco car park in Amersham Old Town. Didn't manage to get it all done, so will have to return on Friday! Turned the car around and headed home via the A41, the M25, the M1, and the home at 1830. Aki already back after her trek...she cooked a speedy pasta carbonara, and we tried her freshly made apple chutney with some cheese and biscuits for afters...very good! Watched Louise Doughty's "Crossfire"...nail-biting drama based on the Tunisian hotel terrorist attack! Aki spent most of the first episode hiding behind me!

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