Friday 9 September 2022

Thursday 8th September 2022

Woke around 0730 and got up at 0800. Made tea. Turned the telly on hoping to watch the final Men's Quarterfinal, but the replay wasn't ready to roll, so stuck on the Swiatek v Pegula Women's Quarterfinal instead. Set about work at the computer. Put the Alcaraz v Sinner Quarterfinal on mid morning, and let it roll whilst at my work station. Broke for lunch...made a tasty salad with thyme stuffed pork. The Men's Quarterfinal went into a fifth set, becoming the second longest match in US Open history, the young Carlos Alcaraz winning through in a very tight, breath taking match. Finished work just before 1800....friends on FaceBook seemed to know something concerning the health of good Queen Bess, so I turned the News on...her death was duly affirmed, only two days after she'd received a visit from our new PM. The nation will now be plunged into days of mourning. I didn't know she was a direct descendant of Mary Queen of Scots! We are now living in a new Carolian Age. Momentous happenings! It means she'll miss the US Open finals!!! All TV channels channelling the nation's grief, so turned off after dinner...warmed up the remains of the fish curry, which we had with rice, dahl, and roti. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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