Sunday 31 July 2022

Sunday 31st July 2022

Woke around 0800. Aki got up and made tea, and handed me a card on which she had written When You're Sixty-four, and my face superimposed on the cover of the Sergeant Pepper album. We had poached eggs and hollandaise sauce for breakfast, then Aki filmed my rendition of Now I'm Sixty-four, which I put up on FB. Ma and Pa FaceTimed me via Kath's iPhone to deliver a rendition of Happy Birthday. Wandered round to The Landseer for 1300, and met Kathleen and Andrew from No.49 there, and Kevin from No.93. Helen and Martin joined us, and we ate a hearty Sunday lunch. Aki then appeared from behind the bar with the chocolate brownies that Katrina had posted to me, with a few lit candles stuck in them, and I sang my song to the small but perfectly formed audience in the bar...think it went down well. We adjourned to ours for tea and a natter, before people headed off to watch the football. Very emotional scenes as England snatched victory in extra time in front of a sell out crowd at Wembley. Inspiring stuff!!!

Saturday 30th July 2022

I woke around 0700 so got up and sat at the computer in a bid to get up-to-date. Aki made a hollandaise sauce, and we had poached eggs and smoked salmon for brunch. Andrew from No.49 popped round to enquire about the sedum roof on our bike shed, and have a natter. They are off to India for three weeks in the autumn, and then to New Zealand for three months, so their Ukrainian tenants will have the run of the place. took a constitutional up Highgate Hill, and we had coffee at Lauderdale House, before going home...Aki walked on to Waitrose, while I popped into Chris Stevens to buy some more tile adhesive for the bathroom job. As I was nearing the flat, I walked past No.38 and found Ben hanging out the window...he invited us in for tea and biscuits and a catch up...they have guests tomorrow, so won't be joining me for my birthday lunch at The Landseer. Aki baked cod for dinner, and we watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

Saturday 30 July 2022

Friday 29th July 2022

Alarm at 0700. Got up and made myself a mug of tea, and did a bit of work at the laptop. Decided to skip breakfast this morning, as I need to get a certain amount of inspections done before I head home at lunchtime. Checked out of the hotel and drove down the Eveswell and Maindee areas to the east of the city centre. Had to wander around the Broadmead Park estate on foot, as the frontages are pedestrian only access...another low quality build estate, with areas of heavy littering, and dumping. Managed to complete the Newport City inspections by lunchtime, much to my surprise, so celebrated by driving to Caerleon for lunch at The Green. Haven't been there since before the a result of lockdown restrictions, they had decided to open up the back yard to put out tables and chairs, some underneath tent like structures for shade...they've done a good job. Enjoyed a fish finger sandwich, then headed east along the M4 in ever increasing heat...stopped briefly at Reading services, and got home around 1700. Aki put together a tinned salmon salad, then we knocked up Katerina at No.49...she's the Ukrainian refugee that Andrew and Kathleen had sponsored...Andrew was left to babysit Artur, and we drove Katerina to the Tower Theatre to see Coram Boy, the theatre's blockbuster summer production, for which Kathleen and designed and made the hundred odd costumes! Simona had directed...she must have spent months on it, as there's a cast of twenty-six, music, choreography, all sorts going on!!! Some really good performances in it, but I was glad I hadn't accepted Simona's request to fill in for an actor who had to drop out during the rehearsal period. They finish at the Tower tomorrow, and re-mount the production at Minnack toward the end of August. We stayed for a drink in the bar, and I offered Alison, an ageing actress who was in the show, a lift home, as I feared rather for her ability to get home to Muswell Hill via two buses at the late hour. We got home at 1145ish, and went straight to bed!

Thursday 28 July 2022

Thursday 28th July 2022

Fitful night's sleep...meant I was a bit slow getting started this morning. Breakfasted in the pub next door, then came back for a shower. Set off for Newport at 1000. Ventured back to the sink estate I'd escaped yesterday lunchtime, and managed to find the remaining units quickly...the pushers were beginning to congregate, but it didn't feel as intimidating as yesterday. I lunched in Sainsbury's car park, as per usual, then headed for another sink estate in Crindau, which was almost as bad! A lot of very dodgy looking characters staggering about...and a couple of young mums spotted me driving about in the usual circles...they had kids, and I knew what they were thinking, so I stopped to ask my way, which gave me the opportunity to put them right...they were fine with of them stopped for a wee chat. Her 10 year old asked me if I carried a gun! Ended the day in an area of Victorian era terraced housing before turning the car around and heading for the hotel. Called Aki who was preparing to cook her dinner. She had successfully changed the water filter cartridge this afternoon, having taken delivery of four, which ought to keep us going for two years! I drove up to the village of Pontnewynydd, and had dinner at the Little Crown, a funny little pub and restaurant on a residential street. The ambience didn't felt like I was in Auntie Jean's house...but the homecooked lamb shank with black pudding mashed potato was great. Drove back to the hotel and did a couple of hours at the laptop.

Wednesday 27th July 2022

Woke before the alarm, so got up and did a bit of work at the laptop, mug of tea in hand. Showered, and breakfasted in the pub next door. Headed out to various points in Cwmbran, then on to Maesglas, near the docks. Got bogged down on an extensive low quality build estate down there...much of it largely accessible only on foot. I stopped to ask a van driver working with the housing association for directions through the maze, and he told me they were advised not to work alone on the estate. I had already driven past several alcoholics and evident drug users, staggering about in the vicinity...and a couple of pushers. Managed to get round most of it, but there was an area where I'd spotted a knot of pushers, so didn't finish...will have to come back tomorrow! Escaped for a late lunch in Sainsbury's car park in Crindau, then drove over to St Woolos, and ended on the large St Julian Estate. Drove back to the hotel, via Sainsbury's in Cwmbran to pick up some milk and fruit. Ate at The Greenhouse, which had been recommended by the lady on was no better than the food at the pub next door to the hotel. Sat in the pub garden under a huge apple tree which had dropped much of it's load on the ground about me. Nearly got knocked out by one. Got back to the hotel in time to watch the second half of the France v Germany game, which the Germans won 2-1....setting up an England v Germany final at Wembley on Sunday!

Tuesday 26 July 2022

Tuesday 26th July 2022

Alarm at 0730. Tumbled out of bed and made a mug of tea, and did some work at the laptop. Showered then walked over to the pub for breakfast. Headed into Cwmbran to do inspections, then back to Duffryn, to take up where I'd left off last night. Spent most of the working day in areas to the north-west of the city centre. Needed petrol, so drove over to the big Sainsburys near the M4. Had my lunch in the cafe there...pretty shoddy, but it filled a hole. Ended the working day in Clytha, on the western fringes of Newport city centre, then drove back to the hotel in Cwmbran, Changed my shirt, then drove to the town centre to visit Page's fish 'n chip shop...took a takeaway back to my room to watch the football. Rang Aki...she'd had a go at writing some spoof lyrics to "When I'm 64"...a valiant effort, and I shall be pinching some of her ideas for my final version. England hammered the well-fancied Swedes 4-0 in an extraordinary game...some jaw dropping moments, of which Russo's back-heeled goal to make it 3-0 was the stand out. Emotional scenes afterward...looking forward to the final on Sunday evening.

Monday 25 July 2022

Monday 25th July 2022

Woke around 0715. Got up and made tea. Aki watered her plants while I made porridge. Packed some stuff and headed for the car. Got away around 0900, making for the M4 via Acton. Stopped off at Leigh Delamere services to grab a coffee, then drove on to inspections in Chepstow and Caldicot. Had lunch at Groes Wen Inn in Penhow, then drove into Llanmartin to pick up where I'd left off on Friday. Ended in Duffryn, then drove north to the Premier Inn in Cwmbran. Checked in then headed back to the car and drove to the characterful village of Usk, from which the river gets it's name, or vice versa. The Romans built a fort there, and there's the remains of a Norman Castle. Had my dinner in the Nags Head, which advertised itself as specialising in home cooked food...had the rabbit pie with mash and turnip...very tasty. Took a turn round the village, stopping on the bridge to take a photo of the river. Then drove back to the hotel and did some work on the laptop. Aki phoned...she'd been watching the Tory PM debate...the bits I saw on the news looked far from edifying! Who votes for these people!? Hope I get off to sleep OK...the hotel is hard by the railway line!

Sunday 24 July 2022

Sunday 24th July 2022

Fitful night's sleep. Got up around 0745 and made tea. Improvised breakfast...Aki had cooked some pancakes the other day and had frozen some, so we ate them with various accompaniments. Aki cycled off to Rowing Club. I did some work trying vainly to catch up on the inspection sheets for the stock I'd seen in Newport last week. I cycled off at was hotter out there than I'd anticipated. Got to the Rowing Club and sat awaiting Aki's boat to come in. Had lunch at the cafe with her and her comrades in oars. A couple of them asked how Twelfth Night had gone...pity they didn't come and see it! Oh well, maybe next time. Cycled back in the increasing heat. Rewarded ourselves with spoom and Aki's homemade creme brulee. Watched some athletics while I did some more work. Broke for dinner. Aki put together a tasty burrata salad. 

Saturday 23rd July 2022

Woke around 0745. Got up and did a bit of work at the laptop over a mug of tea. Rang the local VW garage, but they recommended I call out the AA, so did that...due to turn up around midday! Went for breakfast at McDonald's across the road. It was rammed! Called Kath, who sounded a bit rougher than yesterday...sore throat and a temperature. Mum apparently going round to deliver paracetamol tablets later. AA man turned up before noon and ran a diagnostic test. Showing the coolant pump is misfiring now and then, but there is a back up pump, so should get to London OK. He recommended I get it checked out at my local garage. Drove home without mishap. No warning light. Stopped at Reading services for my lunch, and got home around 1600. Aki cooked teriyaki salmon with rice and miso soup. Watched some athletics from Oregon. Phoned ma and pa...they sounded OK, and had been keeping a safe distance from their daughter! Watched the documentary about Charlie Watts...intriguing character. Hadn't known about his OCD tendencies...and he'd amassed an impressive collection of jazz paraphernalia with the intention of opening a museum! This was followed by a Stones gig from 1978 in Texas...they cooked up a storm; it was mesmerising...

Saturday 23 July 2022

Friday 22nd July 2022

Alarm at 0730. Got up and did some work at the laptop, then showered, and had breakfast in the pub next door. Headed back west to the Thornbury Estate in Rogerstone, then my route took me further afield, toward Cardiff. Had lunch in a pub in Marshfield. Aki had texted me to say that Kath had tested positive for covid, so I gave her a bell....she sounded full of cold, and said she was running a temperature. She can't work for at least five days. Ended my working day out east, on an extensive estate in Llanmartin. Packed up at 1800 and drove back to the Premier Inn to change my shirt, then headed for Caerleon. As I parked the car, a warning light lit up on the dashboard and a message came up saying the engine management system needed looking at! Great, that's all I need...due to drive home tomorrow morning. Listened to a bit of "Dead Ringers" on R4...great impersonation of Liz Truss...very funny! Ate at The was rammed. 

Couldn't get in the car park. It meant service was slow, but I had my book with me, and was quite happy taking my time. Had the swordfish steak, followed by Spanish rice pudding...a cross between rice pudd and a creme brulee...very nice! Drove back to the hotel via the petrol station at Sainsbury's just north of Newport town centre, and took advantage of the jet wash facility to give my car a bit of a clean. Had trouble calling Aki as the signal was poor at the hotel. Did some work at the computer before retiring.

Friday 22 July 2022

Thursday 21st July 2022

Alarm at 0730. Got up and showered. Breakfast at the pub next door, Premier Inn style! Headed back to Bettws, which took me the remainder of the morning. Drove over to Caerleon for lunch at The Priory. Then on to Rogerstone, ending a the rather depressing Thornbury Park Estate. Bearable temperatures today, though got a bit hot in the car during the afternoon. Couldn't get a table at The Priory this evening, so drove to Caerleon and tried the Red Fort. Great service, and the restaurant was spotless...I ordered the chicken was huge, enough for three people. I tried my best to polish it off, but had to admit defeat, and stagger round the corner to my car. Got back to the hotel and did some work at the laptop, uploading today's photos. 

Wednesday 20 July 2022

Wednesday 20th July 2022

Alarm at 0730. Aki up to ready herself for Rowing Club. I got up and made porridge for breakfast while she watered the plants. She cycled off before 0900. I packed the car and headed out west on the A40. Traffic not too bad. Stopped off in Cressex for petrol and a coffee, then took the A404 down to the M4. Stopped again at Leigh Delamere services and bought some lunch from M&S. Hit the outskirts of Newport around 1330. Stopped in Caerleon to eat my lunch in the car park overlooking the town rugby pitches, and then undertook inspections on an extensive Council estate in Caerleon, before heading to Malpas, and Bettws. 

Checked in at the Premier Inn at J24 on the M4...been there before. Drove back out to Caerleon and had dinner at the Priory, and sat out back in the lovely, mature garden with a beer. Took a turn around the town, then drove back to the hotel to watch the England v Spain Women's Euro quarter-final. It was good...terrific goal from Georgia Stanway to win the game in extra time...a strike worthy of Bobby Charlton!

Tuesday 19th July 2022

Slow start. Languished in bed for a bit. Eventually rose to make porridge for breakfast. Aki watered the plants. It's going to be a scorcher today. West London hit 40C before noon! I ventured out around midday to pick up a book I'd ordered from the North Library, and shop for some odds and ends in the little Sainsbury's on Holloway Road. Managed to get home before the ice cream melted! Sardines and salad for lunch, followed by Magnum ices. Flaked out on the sofa during the afternoon and watched some Athletics. Aki cooked up some pork fillet for dinner, with stir fried vegetables, and rice. Watched some telly before bath and bed. Again, had no trouble nodding off...

Tuesday 19 July 2022

Monday 18th July 2022

Alarm at 0730. Aki got up to water her plants. I lazed in bed listening to R4...interesting interview with Maggi Hambling talking about the cultural anchor points of her life and work. She was very funny at the end, telling her interviewer that she was desperate for the lavatory! Aki settled in front of her laptop in the lounge to join in with an exercise zoom meet with some of her JCUK Japanese lady friends. I made porridge and watched for a bit, before retiring to the bathroom to do a bit of DIY on the shower step. Aki made a tasty bowl of cold noodles for lunch. Watched some World Championship Athletics during the afternoon. Got a sweat on just watching! Made a burrata salad with griddled peaches, asparagus and spring onion, followed by pasta with a wild fennel pesto, and raspberry tiramisu for afters. Watched two episodes of "Better Things"...shaping up nicely. Bath and bed...tropical night but had no trouble getting off to sleep.

Sunday 17 July 2022

Sunday 17th July 2022

Woke around 0800. Aki leapt out of bed to water her garden plants. I got up and cooked a breakfast. Did a little prep work on the bathroom shower step, prior to creating a little wall of ceramic tile off cuts. Did a bit of work on my birthday song. Temperatures drifting up toward 30C...going to get considerably hotter tomorrow! Popped out to buy a water melon, and bumped into Carlos and Jane from No.36, who persuaded me to go get Aki, and join them for a coffee at Girasole. Sat outside and had a coffee mousse...suitably cold and thick and creamy. Read the paper for a bit this afternoon...too warm to do much else. I cooked duck breast for dinner, and made an orange sauce. Raspberry tiramisu and ice cream to follow. Watched the highlights of the final round of the 150th Open Golf Championship from St Andrews...Rory was hanging tough, but Cam Smith stormed the back nine to wrest the claret jug from the Irishman's grasp. Watched "Better Things" on the iPlayer...a comedy drama centred around a struggling LA actress trying juggle work with raising a family. Looks promising...though now it's fifth season, we had never heard of it before!

Saturday 16 July 2022

Saturday 16th July 2022

Slow start this morning. Listened to Delia Smith on Saturday Live...hadn't known that she had baked the gaudy cake that featured on the Stones' 1969 'Let It Bleed' album cover. We decided to take a walk up Highgate Hill before temperatures started to rise. Bumped into Clare from No.79, and Gareth from No.120 came out to join us, before Kevin from No.93 bumped into us on returning from his park run on Hampstead Heath. He told us he'd been working on re-gilding a weather vane atop a church next door to The Guildhall...said it had been so hot yesterday he thought he was going to die! He's got to go back and finish the job on Monday!!! Wandered up the hill for brunch at Gail's Bakery, then back down the hill to pick up some dill to make a sauce for tonight's dinner. We then split, with Aki heading off to Waitrose, while I went to Tesco to get some sparkling water to put in the fridge. Bought the girl who sits outside selling the Big Issue a bottle of Fanta. Rang ma and pa, telling them that Huw Edwards had recommended we check up on the elderly during the coming heatwave. They were basking in a cool 22C, so didn't sound in need of much attention at present. Aki baked trout for dinner. I made a creamy dill sauce to go with it, and we had boiled potatoes and vegetables on the side. Watched Japanese film “Wheel of Fortune & Fantasy”, a portmanteau of three different tales of love and rejection. Caught up with golf highlights from St Andrew’s…Rory Mac holding steady at the top of the leaderboard with one round to go…

Friday 15th July 2022

Aki up early to ready herself for a trip to the rowing club. I got up and made myself some porridge, then did a few hours at the computer before lunch. Aki back in time for a late luncheon. I made a ham salad. Pottered about for the afternoon, not doing very much. Did a bit of work on cleaning up the bathroom step tiling, and we ventured out late afternoon to purchase a tub of tile adhesive and some silicone filler from Chris Stevens on the Holloway Road. I cooked a chicken risotto for dinner, which we had with mangetout and green beans, followed by raspberry tiramisu and blackberry spoom. Watched a bit of telly before retiring to bed. 

Thursday 14th July 2022

Disturbed night's stabbing pains to my lower abdomen in the vicinity of the old appendix prevented me from nodding off until about 0200. No repeat of the experience come the morning, so fingers, and appendix, crossed! Aki got up and started gardening...she's planting some lettuce this morning. I got up around 0900 and made porridge for breakfast, then did some more DIY work on the shower step before the temperatures got too inhibiting. Aki made a salad for lunch, and we polished off the cheese and onion pasty I'd bought yesterday at Girasole. Did a little work at the computer in the afternoon. Warmed up the aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner, with grated courgette and green beans on the side. Watched a bit of telly. Fascinating BBC programme about the planning, building and launching of the extraordinary James Webb telescope, which is now beaming back images from deep space. 

Wednesday 13 July 2022

Wednesday 13th July 2022

Got up at 0715 and made myself a mug of tea. Aki followed...she had been planning to go rowing this morning, but had whacked her elbow against a bath tap last night, which was still giving her gip this morning. I worked at the computer until lunchtime. Aki made a salad with smoked mackerel and sliced peach, for luncheon. More work at the computer this afternoon as the temperatures rose toward 30C. Broke at 1730 and did a little DIY, cutting tiles to make a little mini wall for the step into the has been out of action for nearly 2 years, and Aki is getting a bit desperate. It's not going to be a quick fix, though, and there is still an area of damp, which we now think is coming from a radiator pipe buried beneath the concrete! Aki cooked a carbonara for dinner. Watched a bit of telly...Mo Farah's extraordinarily moving tale of child exploitation and trafficking, and his search for his real identity.

Tuesday 12th July 2022

Woke at 0645. Got up, as my back was giving me a bit of gip. Made myself a mug of tea. Aki got up and joined me for a bowl of porridge. I headed off in the motor to do some inspections for East End Homes, which took me to a large Council Estate in Mile End. Had to get out of the car a couple of times to take photos of high rise blocks from every angle. On one occassion I was almost run over on the pavement by a youth speeding at 20 mph on an electric bike...he shouted out a warning as he headed for me...I gave him a mouthful in return: "Pavements are for people....!!!", "I don't care...", came the response. Temperatures edging up toward 30C, and I'd forgotten to arm myself with a bottle of water. Headed on down to the Isle of Dogs, where I stopped for a bottle of water and an ice cream. Got home in time for a late lunch at 1400...wandered down Seven Sisters Road to get something for lunch at Girasole...and had to avoid a bloke on an e-scooter heading toward me at 25 mph! What's the matter with people!? Worked at the computer during the afternoon. Aki made a mango and chicken salad for dinner, followed by Aki's homemade raspberry tiramisu Watched "Undone" on Netflix, and an episode of "Seinfeld". 

Monday 11 July 2022

Monday 11th July 2022

Woken at 0625 by what sounded like five gunshots coming from the direction of Hornsey Road. However, the expected screaming and sirens didn't materialise, so presumably it came from the building site. Turned over and went back to sleep. Got up at 0830 to make porridge and a mug of tea. Health Alert issued in advance of high temperatures this afternoon...forecast to reach 33C. Did an couple of hour's work, then ventured out to do some inspections in Aldgate...went via public transport, as it's difficult to find a parking space in the vicinity, and it's in the Congestion Charge Zone. Pounded the streets just north of Aldgate, around Petticoat Lane. Repaired to Pret A Manger afterward for a coffee, then headed home for lunch. Aki made a cold noodle salad. Worked at the computer all afternoon. Broke at 1800 to watch the news. The Guardian film critic has done film reviews of some of the Tory hopefuls Leadership bid videos...very amusing! Warmed up the Goan fish curry for dinner...Aki cooked up some basmati rice to go with it. Phoned Kath who was eating her dinner...Jim not there, as he was in Wallsend visiting Emma, his new beau. She's an addict too...she's addicted to running, so we are hoping she'll get Jim fired up to get his running shorts on! Warm evening, but not too bad...forecast is for temperature rises at the weekend, though, with warnings it may reach 40C...!!!

Sunday 10th July 2022

Aki up early to ready herself for Rowing Club.  Got up and made porridge and a mug of tea. Aki cycled off to the orient, and I took the opportunity provided by the good weather to take my constitutional, climbing Highgate Hill. Very warm out, so was sweating rather profusely by the time I reached the Pink Food Cafe at Lauderdale House. Sat out at a table under shade, and read Ayckbourn's "Improbable Fiction"...not one of his maesterwerks, but presents an enjoyable evening's entertainment...I would be eminently suitable for the role of Brevis. I see the play had disappeared from the Tower's Autumn season, however, so not sure what's going on. As I set off back down toward Archway, I stumbled across a rather picturesque scene outside the big church at the top of Dartmouth Park Hill, hence the photo. Picked up some odds and ends at M&S at Archway and walked home to prepare lunch. Aki back in time for the start of the Men's Final between Djockovich and Kyrgios. The latter got off to a great start...I'd never seen him so focussed, and he took the first set. But then Nola got his eye in and rolled him over! I cooked up an aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner. Watched "Vast of Night", a well put together little story of a visit from an alien spaceship to t small town in New Mexico in 1956...the story was well told, and there was some interesting camera direction, presumably using a drone. Nice performances too. 

Saturday 9 July 2022

Saturday 9th July 2022

Woke at 0845. Got up and made tea, which we drank in bed listening to Saturday Live. Got up and cooked breakfast before taking a slow walk up to the Farmer's Market at Yerbury School to buy some square tin sourdough, and some vegetables. Stopped at the Green Room Cafe on Holloway Road on our way home for a coffee in the shade. Home in time for the Ladies' Final...Jabeur v Rabalynka. Aki was rooting for the Tunisian, but it was the young Kazhak who prospered over three sets to win her first Grand Slam at the ripe old age of 23! I cooked up a creamy mushroom and parmesan sauce to go with some pasta for dinner. Watched Joaquin Phoenix in the film "Her" intriguing projection of the effect of the age of social media on human relationships...a man falls in love with his laptop! Followed that with the Ronnie Wood episode of My Life As a Rolling Stone...interesting to hear his perspective on it all, and he comes over as very likeable, and very funny...

Friday 8 July 2022

Friday 8th July 2022

Alarm at 0800. Woke to news from Japan that their former PM had been assassinated in a street in Nara! Got up and made Aki a mug of tea. Breakfasted on porridge. Walked down to Islington Central Library in the sunshine to join a guided walk of Islington rock 'n roll hotspots. It's organised by Healthy Generations, so is supposed to promote the notion of a two hour walk as good exercise, but one of our number turned up with a crutch, which meant we had to walk at the same pace as she did! A young lady named Mary lead the procession, first stop being the Hope Workers Cafe on Holloway Road, which was apparently a favourite haunt of the young Suggs, lead singer with Madness. Then onto what is now a late night bar, called House of Hammerton, where John and Yoko swapped some cuttings from their hair for a pair of Muhammed Ali's boxing gloves! We hung a right up Furlong Road...the young Elton John lived in a basement flat at No.29 with Bernie Taupin, before heading a little further west to No.13 Crossley Street, where a very young Keef Richards would hang out with his grandad, Gus...Gus handed the youth his first guitar...the rest is history! 

Walked on to The Garage, then Union Chapel, both currently in use as music venues, before stopping outside The Hope & Anchor on Upper Street, a small pub venue that helped usher in the punk era. At No.35 Brittania Row we stood outside a stone-built church hall which had been turned into a recording studio by Pink Floyd in the 70s. Then it was up to Islington Green. The Waterstone's bookshop was originally built as Collin's Music Hall, the Euphorium Bakery was the site of Reckless Records, which I must surely have visited on a fairly regular basis in the early 1980s, and The Screen on the Green cinema, which had hosted a couple of infamous Pistols gigs in 1976 and 1977. Walked home via Waitrose, and got comfy on the sofa to witness Cameron Norrie's inevitable defeat by the great Novak. I cooked a Goan fish curry for dinner, which we had with mushroom rice, vegetables, and pakora. Very tasty! Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

Thursday 7 July 2022

Thursday 7th July 2022

Alarm at 0800. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Got up to make porridge. Chris Mason, the BBC's fine political editor reporting for the Today programme, broke off to take a phone call from No.10 Downing Street, and came back on air to report that Boris was standing down as Tory Party leader, and will hand over the Prime Ministerial reins before the Autumn party conference. We danced about the living-room in celebration. Aki made herself a picnic lunch, and cycled off to Regent's Park to meet up with a handful of JCUK members. I did some work at the computer, breaking for lunch. Aki had left me some sushi roll and rice balls. Watched the Ladies Semi-finals. Jabeur and Rybakina won through to their first Grand Slam final. Rafa had to pull out of tomorrow's Men's semi with a torn abdominal muscle, so Kyrgios gets a bye into the Final. I made a salad Nicoise for dinner once Aki had cycled back from Regent's Park. Rang mother for a quick chat...all seems well on High View, though dad still awaiting news on his hip op. 

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Wednesday 6th July 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Aki up to ready herself for Rowing Club...she'd made a 1st Anniversary card to mark one year since the Civil Partnershipping...I'd bought her chocolates and an orchid. I did some work at the computer once she'd cycled off. She came back around 1230, and got changed before we headed into town for an anniversary lunch at The Magazine, Zaha Hadid's restaurant creation which appends the Serpentine Gallery. The pavlova was a hit!!! 

Wandered over to the Serpentine Pavilion, before walking east around the lake to Hyde Park Corner, where we grabbed a coffee before heading home. Caught the back end of Kyrgios's win over Garin, and then got hooked on Rafa's extraordinary comeback against Taylor Fritz. What a player! Aki roasted chicken and potatoes for dinner. Boris hanging on by his finger nails...three dozen resignations from Government in 24 hours, and he later sacked Michael Gove, who had asked him to step aside. Watched a bit of the England Women's opening Euro '22 match against Austria, but it was pretty dull, so watched an episode of "Ten Percent" before bath and bed.

Tuesday 5th July 2022

A day in the saddle. Got up and made porridge, and a packed lunch. Headed out eastward at 0930, stopping in Harringay for £50 worth of petrol. First stop, Chelmsford, then on to Braintree, and Colchester. Had my lunch in a lay-by on the A120. Got as far north-east as Dedham, which is a very characterful looking village...would have stopped for a tea if I'd had the time. I was quite taken with the Housing Association stock here...on a small infill development of largely high-end units, but the social housing was in a little row of modern 'cottages' built to mimic the local vernacular. Turned the car around and headed for Tiptree, ending the working day in Tillingham near Burnham-on-Crouch. A long drive back home from in at 1930. Aki had baked a mackerel, which we had with rice and miso soup. Caught up with the day's tennis...Cameron Norrie got through a gruelling five setter to reach the semi-final, where he will play Novak, Lord help him!!!

Monday 4 July 2022

Monday 4th July 2022

Alarm at 0800. Dozed for a little while before rising and making tea. Sat at the computer and did some work before making myself a bowl of porridge. Watched a bit of tennis from Wimbledon. Aki cooked a Spanish omelette for lunch, with ham and a salad. I had a doctor's appointment at 1500. I was surprised that nobody was wearing a mask in the reception area, just me. Though Dr. Bevan wore one when he came out to call me in. Got a couple of repeat prescriptions organised for cortisone and anti-fungal creams, though he suggested I arrange another appointment as regards my facial warts, as he was a locum and professed to be unaware of the current policy toward minor surgery...the NHS is going down hill fast! Came home via No.38...handed Ben and Gayu the house keys that the policewoman had given me yesterday. Their front window had been boarded up, but they were still awaiting the return of their laptops. They seemed pretty philosophical about it all. Came home and watched the Nadal v Van de Zandschulp game. Nadal is looking super-human!!! I warmed up the pasta and cabbage broth I'd made the other day for dinner. Watched "The Pentaverate", Mike Myers' new comedy had it's moments, and he plays most of the characters, donning innumerable wigs and facial prosthetics, followed by a bit of "Seinfeld". Bath and bed...

Sunday 3rd July 2022

Slow start this morning, though Aki was up and about pretty sharpish...she cycled off to the Rowing Club. I did a bit of work at the computer then ambled round the corner for a coffee at Big Jo's, and from thence up to M&S at Archway. Bought some odds and ends for lunch, which I made when I got back home. Aki turned up just in time. Watched some tennis from Wimbledon, but my afternoon's viewing was interrupted by a knock on the front was Paul from No.27. He wondered if we had Ben's, or Gayu's, phone numbers, as the police had been called to No.38 and were trying to get hold of them. Someone had put a brick through their front window, but luckily had been spotted by a neighbour at No.45, who had called the police. They picked the thief up round the corner, in possession of three laptops he'd stolen from No.38. Ben and Gayu had gone away for the weekend to a jazz festival in Sussex, so of course didn't pick up when we rang them. We left their phone numbers with the police, who were awaiting a forensics team, and someone to come out and board up the front window. Never a dull moment round these parts! Cooked duck legs in orange sauce for dinner, with roast vegetables and orzo. Watched Cam Norrie beat American Tommy Paul in straight sets to get to the quarter final for the first time.

Saturday 2 July 2022

Saturday 2nd July 2022

Got up around 0900 and took Aki a mug of tea...she had turned an ankle yesterday, so stayed in bed for a bit. I uploaded yesterday's photos before breakfast. Watched Katie Boulter go out rather tamely to Harmony Tan. Did some gardening...pruning back the wisteria...hope I haven't killed it! Spent most of the remainder of the day on the sofa watching tennis. Liam Broady failed to get past the tenacious Alex de Minaur. Just two Brits left in the tournament. Aki cooked up a tasty carbonara for dinner. Watched the first of four one-hour documentaries on The Rolling Stones. Tonight's concentrated on Mick, but was pretty detail on his thoughts about the death of Brian, or the Altamont killing...enjoyed it though! Rock on...

Friday 1st July 2022

Alarm at 0730. Aki got up to ready herself for her Friday visit to the rowing club. She brought me a mug of tea. Got up and made porridge as Aki cycled off to Stoke Newington. I headed off eastward in the car, hitting the A13, and inspections in Aveley, and South Ockendon, before heading northward to Brentwood, and from thence up the M11 for a lunch stop at Birchanger services. The service station was took me 20 minutes to get to the car park off the slip road, and 15 minutes to get out again! I bought an expensive sandwich and some odds and ends in Waitrose there, and ate in the car listening to commentary as Heather Watson won through to the last 16 for the first time in her long Wimbledon career. Drove through some very pleasant villages to Clavering, then back to Elsenham, Takeley, and ended up in Felsted, before turning the car round and heading home. There had been a minor accident on the M11 southbound, which added half-an-hour to my journey. Got home at 1900. Aki had baked salmon for dinner, with potatoes, vegetables, and a creamy leek sauce. Watched some more tennis before having an early night.

Friday 1 July 2022

Thursday 30th June 2022

Alarm at 0730. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Listened to Today until 0900, then read some V.S.Naipaul. Got up and made porridge. Finished the novel over another mug of tea...I enjoyed it...Graham Greene meets Joseph Conrad, though the plotting isn't as strong. But it was evocative and engrossing. Aki cycled over to Stoke Newington to buy some jewellery for Leanda to mark her 60th birthday. I did a few hours work at the computer. Ham salad lunch. Watched Katie Boulter take on Karolina Pliskova and win. Made a simple broth to have some tortellini with, mixed with cabildo nero. Watched the first set of Jack Draper v Alex De Minaur…extraordinary hitting…brutally long rallies. Jack edged the first set. Had to interrupt our viewing and head up to Dulcie’s at No.110 for the Book Club meet. Half of us had finished the book, others still halfway through. General view was of an enjoyable, compelling though rather bleak read. Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” chosen for the next read. Got home around 2200 and caught up with the Jack Draper game via iPlayer. De Minaur bossed the next three sets with gobsmacking resilience…Jack threw the kitchen sink at him, but the Aussie kept throwing it right back…incredible!