Wednesday 4 May 2022

Wednesday 4th May 2022

Woke around 0730. Got up to make tea, and listened to the radio in bed until 0900. AKi cycled off to Hackney and the rowing club. I worked at the computer until about 1130. The biker tee-shirt I'd ordered from Amazon turned fitted well, so Sir Toby can wear it at the fitting this evvening. Popped out to the Pound shop to get a butter brush to use in the next run to flick 'holy water' at Malvolia. Wandered up to The Green Room for a coffee, and bumped into Angharad, one of the Tower AD's. It transpired she was working at the surgery on Holloway Road...she's a community psychiatric nurse. I assumed therefore that she lived locally, but no, she lives in Tooting! I had a coffee and a cinnamon bun at the cafe, then walked home, Aki had gotten back by the time I got in. She prepared some noodle soup for lunch. I got back in front of the computer for the afternoon. Broke at 1730 for dinner...tortelloni with a butter sauce, mushrooms, and some veg on the side. By the time I drove off to Stoke Newington, it had started raining. Had a fitting in wardrobe for a pair of jeans, and a denim jacket. My new tee-shirt got the thumbs up. Did some fight rehearsal in the Smith studio...Nic, who plays Antonio, managed to pull a calf muscle, so that put the mockers on things....hope he's fit for the next run on Sunday! Got home about 2030. Watched MasterChef, then listened to the last few minutes of the Champions League semi-final between Real Madrid and Man City...Real scored twice in the last 2 minutes to take the tie to extra time, and scraped a win with an extra time penalty....cruel on Man City!

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