Thursday 5 May 2022

Thursday 5th May 2022

Woke around 0630 for some reason...dozed until the alarm went off at 0730, then listened to the radio until 0830. Got up and made porridge. Worked at the computer all morning. Aki popped out to Waitrose for some bits and pieces, then came back and made a pumpkin soup which we had for lunch. Worked at the computer all afternoon. Broke at 1745 for dinner. We finished off the aubergine baclava I made last weekend. Wandered over to No.36 to see if Jane and Carlos were ready, but they were finishing eating, so we Aki and I went ahead, catching the No.43 bus in Holloway Road. Got off outside Jackson's Lane Theatre, opposite Highgate tube station. Wanted to get there early enough to take a quick look at the refurbishment, but part of the venue was being used as a polling station, so I couldn't access much. The entrance has been moved, and the cafe area is still pretty similar to before. A lift has been put in, which has reduced some of the foyer space. Jane and Carlos caught us up, and we had time for a quick chat in the cafe. There's new seating in the auditorium, and a slightly steeper rake, which made for a good view. We had come to see a show by renowned Spanish clown, Leandre, who usually performs solo, but has formed a quintet of talented compradres. It was a delightfully creative hour and ten minutes, involving doors, sofas, kitchen utensils, raining doorkeys, aerial work and bags of invention. A real treat. We wandered back down the A1 afterward to investigate a Japanese deli we'd noticed on previous drive-bys. We popped in and came out with mango ice cream balls wrapped in rice dough, and two half-price sushi boxes for lunch tomorrow! Got home and caught up with the MasterChef final...Eddie Scott, a very talented young fella from Humberside, took the crown. It was a lacrimose edition!!!

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