Saturday 28 May 2022

Friday 27th May 2022

Woke at 0800...Aki already up and about, and brought me a mug of tea. She cycled off to the Health Centre for a meet with the physio regarding her rowing elbow problem. Did a bit of work at the computer after a bowl of chocolate porridge for breakfast. Aki back briefly, before cycling off to the Japanese Embassy to send more paperwork out to the estate agency dealing with the sale of her mum's flat. I sauntered up to The Green Room on Holloway Road for my morning coffee. Sat outside round the back to get a bit of sun. Got back home and warmed up a portion of fish pie for my early dinner treat...with steamed vegetables on the side. Voice in reasonably good shape, touch wood. The finishing post is in sight! Drove over to Stoke Newington for 1745 and walked into the 'village' to buy some diet Coke (fake beer) and something to eat after the show. Another good house...about 50 in tonight, including a few Tower stalwarts. Simona, one of the AD's, was in...everybody had a good time. Ruth's Malvolia got an exit round at one point. Drove home for camomile tea, bath, and bed...

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