Thursday 19 May 2022

Wednesday 18th May 2022

Another fitful night's sleep. Got about six hours, though, which is an improvement on the night before! My vocal cords were in spasm in my half sleep, though, which I haven't experienced having a woodpecker in your throat! Aki had cycled off to the rowing club by the time I rose. I penned an email to my director giving her a heads up on my vocal stress...I'm worried for the matinee come Saturday...I definitely couldn't do two shows a day at present, but hoping things will calm down a bit as the week progresses and I can settle into a routine. But I think the theatre may need a contingency plan! Aki made a late lunch...pasta with her homemade/homegrown pesto sauce. Popped out to buy some VocalZones, and soluble aspirin for gargling with. Went through my lines. Drove over to Stoke Newington at 1730. Got my voice through the show just about in one weakened a bit toward the end of the first half, so had to be doubly careful after the interval. I had about 10 people in, including Aki, who was probably as much in trepidation as I was. There was an audience of maybe 20 altogether, and they picked up on the comedy pretty instantaneously, We got off to a good start, though the second half sagged a little as energy levels dropped. Matthew (Sir Andrew) was a bit all over the place...had to grab him from the dressing room at one point as he was about to miss another entrance! Blinkin' amateurs!!! The response from everyone was very positive afterward...everyone seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed it. Got home around 1130 and had a soak in the bath before bed.

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