Saturday 14 May 2022

Friday 13th May 2022

Alarm at 0730. Aki up and about getting ready to go rowing. She brought me a mug of tea which I enjoyed in bed. Worked at the computer all morning. Aki back in time for lunch. I made a ham salad, with falafel. Did another 3 hours or so at the computer in the afternoon. Aki made a Goan fish curry for dinner. Andy G from work called needing some urgent inspections in Kent on Monday...said I could do some of it, but only the Tunbridge Wells stock, as I needed to be at the theatre for 6pm on Monday. Decided I would drive me and Aki down that way on Saturday, and we could make a day of it...find somewhere nice for lunch. Watched a bit of telly...enjoyed Dominic West in "Ten Percent" doing an actor with stage fright schtick...then went through my lines in the back bedroom before bath and bed.

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