Sunday 1 May 2022

Sunday 1st May 2022

Slow start...lay in for a bit, but eventually got up and cooked breakfast. Drove over to Stoke Newington around 1230, lugging various bits and pieces with me, the cajon, my mandolin, and a tambourine. Rehearsed the box-tree scene, which is getting there...still trying to match lines to bits of comic business, but it felt we made progress. A long rehearsal of Act 4 Sc3, which feels like a whole play within a play...first I taunt Malvolia, then get Sir Andrew to draw up a challenge for a duel, then manipulate Viola into agreeing to take on Sir Andrew in said duel. I was knackered before the end of it, losing my lines as my brain turned to mush...hopefully tomorrow's run will hold together better. Then I had to teach everyone the finale song...fortunately Tamara the composer came in to watch, so I could defer to her from time to time. Got it into a vaguely stage-able state, and we tried it with instruments. It needs work, but we've made a start at last. Got home just after 1900, exhausted. Aki had cooked stuffed cabbage in a broth with new potatoes, and had made individual trifles...we had our trifle on the sofa watching the ever inspiring BBC Young Dancers of the Year going through their paces...some of them reduced us to tears, and the tissues got handed round. Watched "Ten Percent", Amazon's British version of "Call My Agent", the French production which took off during lockdown. It was good...some nice performances, and looks to be worth persevering with...

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