Tuesday 10 May 2022

Tuesday 10th May 2022

Fitful night's sleep. Got up at 0815 and prepared a packed lunch. Did a couple of hours on the computer writing up what I'd seen yesterday, then headed south of the river. Colliers Wood was first port of call, so popped in to M&S there for some lunch items, before driving on to Mitcham, Thornton Heath, West Croydon, then down to Kenley, Warlingham, and Felbridge, near East Grinstead. Ate my lunch in the car in a side street in Croydon. Got home at 1915. Aki warmed up the chicken and bean stew for dinner, followed by banana and custard. Worked on my lines in the back bedroom while Aki watched telly. Voice very tired by the end of it. Fell into bed hoping for a restful night prior to tomorrow evening's run of the play...

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