Thursday 12 May 2022

Thursday 12th May 2022

Alarm at 0730. Too tired to raise myself up much before 0900. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Porridge for breakfast. Booked a room in the Priory Hotel in Bury St Edmunds for tonight. Made myself a packed lunch and hit the road, aiming first for Saffron Walden. Stopped off at Birchanger Green Services station on the M11 for a coffee and some lunch items. Found the road to Saffron Walden was closed for works at Stansted Mountfitchet, so had to take a long diversionary route which eventually brought me to Newport, and then Saffron Walden. Did my inspections, then ate my lunch on a bench on the Common, but it was a bit colder than I'd anticipated. Got my jacket out of the car and had a quick wander round the rather quaint town centre...the central library looks a bit of gem. Received a call from Katrina at Savills to say the Bury St Edmunds job was off, so I managed to cancel my hotel booking, and drove home. Got back around 1600 and did some work at the computer until 1830. No sign of Aki...she had gone off to meet an old friend, Anna, who is over from Spain for a flying visit. So I finished off the apple and parsnip soup for dinner, with some toast, and yoghurt and banana for dessert. Did some work on the script. Aki got back about 2030 having gone to a photography exhibition with Anna, grabbing some dinner in a ramen noodle bar on the way. Bath and bed...

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