Sunday 1 May 2022

Saturday 30th April 2022

Woke around 0800. Dozed for a bit before leaping out of bed to cook breakfast...made corned beef hash fritters, which we had with poached eggs, salad and a tomato sauce. Aki went off to meet her client in Balham, to take some photos of the completed refurbishment. I did an hour or so's work at the computer. Walked up to Big Jo's for lunch...a pizza slice and a decaff latte. It was 1430 and the place was packed! Wandered to the Turkish shop to get some dates to put in my aubergine baclava. Developing into a glorious day. The baclava took time to put together, griddling slices of aubergine, then buttering and layering the filo pastry...Aki came home and interrupted my efforts, but I got it in the oven, and boiled some vegetables to have on the side. Made six portions, so that should keep us going for most of next week! Bon Maman creme brulee for dessert. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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