Wednesday 25 May 2022

Wednesday 25th May 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Dozed until Aki brought me a mug of tea. She cycled off to Rowing Club. I got up and made a packed lunch, and had some porridge. Feeling very very weary. Got to soldier on until Saturday! Ventured out south of the river for inspections. Took me to South Norwood, Penge, Bermondsey, ending up in Rotherhithe. Had a late lunch from a Greek street food vendor on Surrey Quays Retail Park. Drove back north of the river via the old Rotherhithe Tunnel. Got home by 1615. Revised my lines before setting off for the theatre. About 40 in tonight. They were good...seemingly enjoying themselves...indeed, several of them rose to their feet at the curtain call to hail our performance! Learnt that Bella Hornby, who plays Viola, is the author Nick Hornby's niece! Drove home for a cup of camomile tea, bath and bed...

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