Tuesday 24 May 2022

Monday 23rd May 2022

Woke at 0845. Hauled myself out of bed and made tea. Still feel like I've been run over by a tractor, but hopefully I'll start to thaw out as the day progresses. Had some porridge for breakfast, then sat at the computer for the rest of the day...had planned to go south of the river to complete some inspections, but I needed to get the figures researched and completed by close of play today, so worked from home. Aki cycled off to do some shopping at Morrison's and Waitrose. Sardine salad for lunch, followed by one of Aki's marvellous chocolate brownies. I cooked up a chicken and mushroom pasta dish with artichoke and truffle pesto sauce, and walnuts, for dinner, then returned to the computer, finally completing the research at 2115. Bath and bed...

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