Wednesday 18 May 2022

Tuesday 17th May 2022

Poor night's sleep. Had thought that my late night might mean me sleeping through until 1000 or something, by way of adjusting my body clock for performance week...but no. Plagued by thoughts about dropped lines at 0530 in the morning! Eventually got up at 0600 and did a bit of work at the computer, uploading yesterday's photos, and downing several mugs of tea. Aki got up at 0815. We had porridge for breakfast. Aki cycled off mid-morning to her hairdresser...she's trying a new chap, a Korean, who's based in West Hampstead...bit of a cycle ride!!! Heard from our solicitor...he has received a draft deed of transfer from the freeholder's solicitor, so it looks as though we won't need to go to Tribunal after all, which would come as something of a relief! Did some line work, then went back to bed...but didn't get to sleep, unfortunately. Aki came back and cooked an early dinner, but I couldn't eat it all. Drove off to the theatre at 1700. Bought some energy drink on the High Street, and tried to get in a relaxed frame of mind for the run. It actually went pretty well, though I had to hold back on the vocal delivery, which affected the energy of my performance, but I got from start to finish without too much difficulty, much to my relief. Matthew (Aguecheek) was all over the place...three late entries, or entries from the wrong side of the stage. He seems more interested in grabbing his cigarette breaks between scenes than he does in serving the play. A bit worrying! Got home at 1130 and had a soak in the bath before falling into bed.

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