Monday 9 May 2022

Monday 9th May 2022

Alarm at 0730. Got up at 0815 and made tea. Porridge for breakfast. Warmed up some soup to take on the road with me. Drove out to Oxford, stopping off at ASDA in High Wycombe to fill up with petrol, and grab a coffee at Next. After Oxford, it was on to Buckingham. I parked up at lunch time a strolled into the quaint town centre. Happened upon a Waitrose, so spent my lunch allowance in there, before driving on to the village of Calvert, and then a long drive to Stevenage. Drove from there straight to rehearsals in Stoke Newington, just finding time to buy a felafel wrap on the High Street before rehearsal. By the time we got to run from Act 3 Sc 4 unto the end of the play, I was very tired. Struggled with energy and lines, and when Sangita (Maria) cued me up with a line from Act 3 Sc3, I was completely thrown...the stuff of nightmares!!! Notes went on a bit...didn't get home until gone 2300. Had a quick soak in the bath, and then bed...!!!

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