Thursday 26 May 2022

Thursday 26th May 2022

Woke at around 0730. Got up and made myself a mug of tea...Aki still snoring. Got to work at the computer. Aki got up and brought me a bowl of porridge for breakfast. Worked through until we had a late lunch at 1500. Aki cooked up the pork roast I'd bought the other day in M&S, accompanied by orzo and a side salad, and an apple sauce. Bit of a headache developed before I set off for the theatre at 1730. I think it's from staring at a computer screen all day! Managed to summon up some energy from somewhere...about 35 odd in the house tonight, and they were very quiet, but seemed to have enjoyed themselves come curtain down! Struggled with my voice a bit in the opening scenes, but sucked on a vocalzone which seemed to do the trick, and got through the second half without too much difficulty. Snuck straight out after the show...don't think I knew any of the audience members, so high-tailed it home for a mug of camomile tea, bath and bed...

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