Sunday 22 May 2022

Sunday 22nd May 2022

Got a decent 8 hours sleep, though broken a couple of times by having to get up in the night. Aki made tea at 0900 which I drank sitting up in bed. Felt like I'd been hit by a bus after the two shows yesterday. My feet are aching, my hernia repair is giving me gip, and my voice is in's been a gruelling week, but the response has been overwhelming, and I feel I've been able to show the gals who run The Tower what I'm all about. Aki cycled off to Rowing Club. I made myself some porridge, and hastened back to bed. Read a script that Simona had sent me last week...they think I may be a good fit to direct it, but I'm not so's a solo piece, which means having to work very intensely with one actor, which I don't think is my bag. They are usually difficult to elevate into theatrical spectacle, and there is little in the way of comedy to extract from this very bleak tale! Ventured out in search of some lunch...Aki eating at the cafe next door to the Rowing Club, so I enjoyed ambling in the sun over toward Finsbury Park, and ended up in favourite local Italian Osteria Tufo...sat outside and enjoyed a bowl of ravioli in a sage butter sauce, followed by tiramisu...I couldn't help myself! Spent an hour half dozing on the sofa listening to a podcast marking 25 years since the release of Radiohead's "OK, Computer". Did a couple of hours research on the computer for work. Aki warmed up the remains of last week's fish curry, and cooked some basmati rice to go with it. Very tasty. Watched a couple of episodes of the current series of Later..., then rented The Souvenir Part 2, a semi-autobiographical movie by Joanna Hogg. My old flat mate's son, Charlie, appeared in it...having a sex scene with Tilda Swinton's daughter! Strange movie...knotty, complex, and very clever. Watched MOTD and Manchester City pip Liverpool to the title on the final day of the season. Burnley were relegated, along with Watford and Norwich City.

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