Tuesday 24 May 2022

Tuesday 24th May 2022

Fitful night's sleep...woken by the sound of rain on the bedroom roof at about 0430, and took an hour or so to get back to sleep. Woke at 0845 and made tea which we drank in bed. Got up and made porridge for breakfast, then sat at the computer until lunchtime, working. Aki nipped out to do a bit of food shopping before lunch. Worked through my lines ahead of tonight's show. Had to pop out to the stationer as I ran out of paper printing off 300 inspection sheets for the Swansea job next month. Stationer said prices had gone up 40%, and he was having problems sourcing supply. Aki made a fish pie for early dinner, and I drove off to the theatre at 1730. Didn't feel very switched on this evening...probably due to having had two night's off...some neighbours were in, which made me feel a bit self conscious on the bigger speeches, and I dropped the ball a couple of times. I had put too much baby oil on my head in the interval (to give the impression of sweating in the sunshine), but some of it got into my left eye, which gave me a squint for most of the second half. Neighbours nowhere to be seen afterward, but Bob Karper, an old actor mate, and Marianne, the mad French choreographer, were in and we had a brief catch up in the bar. I gave Marianne a lift home to Tufnell Park. She'd enjoyed it, though found the Shakespearean language a little tricky, naturally. Bath and bed...

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