Tuesday 3 May 2022

Tuesday 3rd May 2022

Woke at 0730. Got up and made tea, which we drank in bed listening to the radio, then up to make porridge. Worked at the computer most of the morning, breaking to make lunch at 1300. Went over my lines for the mammoth Act 3 Sc2, which got away from me a bit in the run last night. Feedback from the three or four bods (wardrobe and sound) who came to see it was good...one of them said it was much funnier than he'd envisaged, and that the Shakespearean lingo came across with clarity. It needs fore-shortening, though! More work at the computer this afternoon. Bad news from the valuation team negotiating our freehold purchase...the freeholder's team are asking for an extra £15,000 to reflect hope value in respect of a possible roof garden! Fortunately for us, it will be linked to the value of the upper maisonette...unfortunately, however, it looks as though it will mean the upstairs neighbour pulling out of the purchase! See what happens...I've urged her to give our valuer a bell tomorrow. It seems Jim has been speaking out of turn...he intimated last night that the Hagues were planning to come down to see Twelfth Night, but Kath says Dad feels he's too old to make the trek...can't say I blame him! Warmed up the last of the Goan fish curry for dinner, and watched a bit of telly. Gave "Undone", an interestingly put together anime...the second season has been getting good reviews, but we've begun at the beginning. Did some more lines before bath and bed...

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