Sunday 15 May 2022

Sunday 15th May 2022

Woke early and got up to make tea. Had a cooked breakfast to set me up for the day. Didn't go in for 0945, as I needed to allow my voice to warm up gently...did a steam bath over a pan of boiled water. Drove in for about 1030. Bagged a place in the dressing room, and kept myself out of harm's way as much as I could, not wanting to aggravate the hernia repair! We did a speed line run before breaking for a late lunch. Then there was some tweaking of Act 5, before a run of the play at about 1600. Still dropping my lines on the big speeches...though I had gross fatigue to blame on this occassion, but the same bits are looming up at me like icebergs before the Titanic. Only got a couple more days to find a way of rectifying the situation. Other than that, the piece seemed in reasonably good shape. Got home at 2030 and had dinner...Aki had had hers an hour or so earlier. Did some work on the my lines before bath and bed...

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