Wednesday 11 May 2022

Wednesday 11th May 2022

Woke feeling quite unrefreshed....voice still tired. Took me all day to slowly warm it up. Aki got up and made tea. I got up at 0830 and made myself some porridge. Aki cycled off to rowing club before it started raining. I worked at the computer for most of the morning. Aki returned for an early lunch. I did another hour or so at the computer afterward, and then did some voice exercises and shaved my head, and trimmed my beard. Had a bath. Steamed my vocal chords over a pan of boiled water for five minutes or so. Aki made spaghetti carbonara for dinner...very tasty. Then I loaded the car and drove off to Stoke Newington. Lucky I left in good time, as the traffic was terrible. The run went pretty well, though I had a couple of major dries in the long scene in the second half....but my energy came good, and my voice warmed up nicely over the course of the show, so came away with more pluses than minuses. Stopped behind for change to do a bit of socialising with my cast members, before driving back home. Got in around 2330. Aki already in bed in reading. I stayed up for a bit and went over the dodgy speeches with a cup of mint tea in hand.

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