Sunday 29 May 2022

Sunday 29th May 2022

Woke around 0930. Aki had had a fitful night's sleep, as she hadn't been able to find her wallet, with her bank cards and driving licence in! No sign of it come the morning light, which was a bit worrying. Jim and Kath were already up, and we made them coffee and a bowl of fruit salad and yoghurt for breakfast, before we walked to Finsbury Park station to get the tube to Kings Cross. Treated them to a very expensive brunch in Searcey's at St Pancras station...the prices looked reasonable, but didn't include the 20% VAT, or the 12.5% service charge that appeared on the bill!!! A sign of the times...won't be going there again! Walked them over to Kings Cross station, where they were to climb aboard the 1430 back to Newcastle. They had enjoyed their brief sojourn...pity it couldn't have been longer, but they both had work commitments to return to come Monday morning. Got home about 1500. Still no sighting of Aki's bank cards! She had to cancel them in the end. Flaked out on the sofa for a bit, and then warmed up Aki's fish pie and steamed some cabbage for dinner. Nowt on telly. Rented Brannagh's "Belfast" memoir...OK, but the narrative arc was somewhat trite. Enjoyed the Van Morrison sound track, though, and Gerard Horan and Mark Hadfield appeared in it, who I had shared the stage with in Leeds many moons ago. Early bath, and bed...

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